How Do I Properly Vacuum My In-Ground Pool?
Here’s Our Step-by-Step Guide to In-Ground Pool Vacuuming:
Keeping your in-ground pool clean can feel like a never-ending chore, especially when dirt and debris settle on the bottom. Without proper vacuuming, buildup can lead to murky water and even damage your pool’s surface over time. Our easy-to-follow instructions on vacuuming your in-ground pool will help you maintain a crystal-clear, inviting pool all season.
Attach the vacuum head to the pole.
Attach the vacuum hose to the vacuum head.
Submerge the head & hose into the water.
Push air out of the hose by holding the vacuum head in front of the return jet while the pool is running.
Turn off the pool.
Turn off the main drain valve, and if you have two skimmers, turn off the one you are not using.
Position a vacuum plate in the skimmer and attach the hose to the plate, or you can attach the vacuum hose to the suction hole found in the bottom of the skimmer.
Turn the pool back on with the filter on the FILTER position. Begin vacuuming. (Note: If you have flocked the pool or are vacuuming algae, you may need to put the filter on the WASTE/DRAIN position. This pumps water and waste directly out of the pool from your waste line. Be sure you always turn the pump off before changing the settings.) You may need to backwash the filter and clean the baskets out while vacuuming. If you lose suction, they may get full of dirt and debris.
Are you tired of vacuuming your pool all the time? Check out our line of Polaris vacuums and let them do the work for you. Need a quote for our cleaning services? Contact us, your pool stores near me, today to discuss your pool cleaning, or allow us to help with any questions you have regarding vacuuming your in-ground pool.